Winning Ways Archive
Date |
Title |
2016 |
03-16-2016 |
Getting Ready for Easter Weekend
03-09-2016 |
H-E-L-P for a Spiritual Mismatch
03-02-2016 |
LOL with God
02-24-2016 |
Redeeming Our Sexual Brokenness
02-17-2016 |
Shocking Revelation!
02-10-2016 |
Training Today for a Glorious Tomorrow
02-03-2016 |
A Successful Church is a Mess
01-27-2016 |
Cleanliness Really is Next to Godliness
01-20-2016 |
Launching Out into 2016
01-13-2016 |
Student Ministry Matters
01-06-2016 |
At Cross Purposes
2015 |
12-23-2015 |
O Leave, Let Us Adore Him!
12-16-2015 |
There’s Something About Joseph
12-09-2015 |
Chreasters Welcome
12-02-2015 |
11-25-2015 |
From Gratitude to God
11-18-2015 |
Supporting God’s Global Mission
11-11-2015 |
How to Pray for Your Pastor
11-04-2015 |
The Power of Your Expectations
10-28-2015 |
Your Presence is a Present
10-21-2015 |
Six Things to Look for in the Lord’s Supper
10-14-2015 |
Messy Church
10-07-2015 |
No More Hermit Holes
10-01-2015 |
Will You Prayerwalk With Us This Saturday?
09-30-2015 |
The God-Forsaken God
09-23-2015 |
Why You Should Prayerwalk with Us
09-16-2015 |
The Anxiety Antidote
09-09-2015 |
When You Question God’s Plan
09-09-2015 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
09-02-2015 |
I Knew My Daddy Would Save Me
08-26-2015 |
Like a Good Neighbor
08-19-2015 |
The Power of Your Forgiveness
08-12-2015 |
A Heartless Crime
08-05-2015 |
Are You Mayor of the Center of the World?
07-29-2015 |
What Got Jesus Frustrated
07-22-2015 |
Meet Elroy
07-15-2015 |
God's Forward Observers
07-08-2015 |
Lost in Translation
07-01-2015 |
Jump into July!
06-24-2015 |
What We Hope People Will Become
06-22-2015 |
Citywide Prayer Meeting
06-17-2015 |
Here I Am
06-10-2015 |
Too Busy Not to Pray
06-03-2015 |
How to Survive a Cultural Crisis
05-27-2015 |
No Place for Closets
05-20-2015 |
What if God Responds?
05-13-2015 |
"We Must Have Thee, O Jesus of The Scars"
05-06-2015 |
When Children Turn into Cats
04-29-2015 |
Sweet Tea for the Soul
04-22-2015 |
Who’s Coming with You to “Explore Sunday”?
04-15-2015 |
Get Ready for "Explore Sunday!"
04-08-2015 |
Tools for Soul Development
04-07-2015 |
Don’t Miss the Deadline!
04-06-2015 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
04-02-2015 |
Free Family Photos on Easter Sunday
04-01-2015 |
Discover Hope
03-25-2015 |
Get Anchored!
03-18-2015 |
uTurn Others
03-11-2015 |
Don't Fly Solo
03-04-2015 |
A Look at a Converted Life
02-25-2015 |
"If At First You Succeed, Then What?"
02-18-2015 |
Agents for Peace in a Diverse World
02-11-2015 |
When You Face a Force Reduction
02-05-2015 |
Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
02-04-2015 |
God's 300
01-28-2015 |
Call Me "Maybe"
01-21-2015 |
Inside-Out Leadership
01-14-2015 |
Who God Says You Are
01-07-2015 |
What Drives Your New Year's Resolutions?
2014 |
12-24-2014 |
The Hopes and Fears of All the Years
12-17-2014 |
Gone Boy
12-10-2014 |
God With Us
12-03-2014 |
Get to Know Lottie
11-26-2014 |
Bringing the Gospel Home
11-19-2014 |
Thanking Someone
11-12-2014 |
Trusting God's Abundance
11-05-2014 |
What We Hope People Will Become
10-29-2014 |
Remember Who You Are
10-22-2014 |
Of Sex Education and Seven Men
10-15-2014 |
10 Commandments for a Guest-Friendly Church
10-08-2014 |
Three Reasons to Support the Malawi Mission Trip
10-01-2014 |
What Are You Chasing?
09-24-2014 |
Who's On Your Fridge?
09-17-2014 |
Mission Work Across the Ocean and Across the Aisle
09-10-2014 |
Get Anchored!
09-03-2014 |
God Heals Families!
08-27-2014 |
Join Our Social Media Blitz
08-21-2014 |
1st Annual HBC Back-to-School Guacamole Throw Down
08-20-2014 |
08-13-2014 |
Encouraging Encouragement
08-06-2014 |
The I.N.V.I.T.E. Strategy
07-30-2014 |
The 'Nones' and the 'Noons'
07-23-2014 |
God Help The Fish Down Below!
07-16-2014 |
Shocking Revelation!
07-09-2014 |
New Adult Groups and Other Hillcrest Happenings
07-02-2014 |
Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
06-25-2014 |
The Most Important Word You'll Learn This Week
06-18-2014 |
Wrapping Up "A Beautiful Thing"
06-11-2014 |
Of Father's Day and Foundations
06-04-2014 |
To Forbear Is Divine
06-02-2014 |
Our Special Called Business Meeting
05-28-2014 |
How to Get Good Advice
05-21-2014 |
Summer Reading
05-16-2014 |
Two weeks to go!
05-14-2014 |
Learning to Doubt Your Doubts
05-07-2014 |
Are You a Wounded Parent?
04-30-2014 |
Saint Tom
04-23-2014 |
That's Scripture?
04-16-2014 |
What Does Easter Prove?
04-09-2014 |
Easter Events For You and Your Seeking Friends
04-03-2014 |
A Great BBQ Dinner and a Fascinating Speaker!
04-02-2014 |
How to Bounce Back
03-26-2014 |
When You're at the End of Your Hope
03-19-2014 |
The Wonder of Thunder
03-12-2014 |
Fit Your Story Into God's Bigger Story
03-05-2014 |
What the Sky Wants to Say to Those Who Will Listen
02-26-2014 |
What Are Friends For?
02-19-2014 |
Do You Focus on Outward Appearance or Inward Character?
02-12-2014 |
As You Wish
02-05-2014 |
Divine Adoption
01-29-2014 |
"Movie Messages" Starts Sunday
01-22-2014 |
Tools for Personal Growth and Outreach
01-15-2014 |
Teach Us To Number Our Days
01-08-2014 |
Your Living Underlines or Deletes Your Worship
2013 |
12-30-2013 |
Give to "A Beautiful Thing" Campaign in 2013
12-25-2013 |
Good Riddance Day
12-18-2013 |
O Come Let Us Adore Him
12-11-2013 |
When Regifting is Right
12-04-2013 |
We Are a Sent People
11-27-2013 |
Thankful People Are Healthier People
11-20-2013 |
Meaningful Meals
11-13-2013 |
Plodding Visionaries
11-06-2013 |
Your Work Matters to God
10-30-2013 |
Still Life
10-28-2013 |
Serve With Us at 'Trunk or Treat'!
10-23-2013 |
Next Steps in Exploring God
10-16-2013 |
Telling People About God
10-09-2013 |
Is the Bible Reliable?
10-02-2013 |
What If God Was One of Us?
09-25-2013 |
Agents for Peace in a Diverse World
09-20-2013 |
Hoop Dreams
09-18-2013 |
A Broken World and a Good God
09-11-2013 |
We Came to Believe
09-10-2013 |
Special Message for Winning Ways Subscribers
09-04-2013 |
Why You Exist
08-28-2013 |
How Your Prayers Are Like Water on Rock
08-21-2013 |
Many Ways to Be Lost
08-14-2013 |
Getting Your Small Group Ready for Explore God
08-07-2013 |
Actions That Say "We're Glad You're Here!"
07-31-2013 |
Sharing Our Lives as Well As Our Gospel
07-24-2013 |
Gorillas in the Midst
07-17-2013 |
Explore God
07-01-2013 |
Pack a Bucket -- Serve the World
06-26-2013 |
What Are You Seeking?
06-20-2013 |
06-19-2013 |
Accepting and Copying the Sacrifice of Christ
06-12-2013 |
Baptism: The Meaning, The Method, The Moment
06-05-2013 |
Are You Afraid to Win?
05-29-2013 |
What Jesus Wants to Know
05-22-2013 |
So Good So Far
05-15-2013 |
Elevating Vision
05-08-2013 |
Messed-Up Momma!
05-01-2013 |
From Generation to Generation
04-24-2013 |
Keeping the Past in the Past
04-17-2013 |
What Is Heaven Like?
04-11-2013 |
God's 911
04-10-2013 |
CORRECTION: Sweet Life Comedy Dessert Theater
04-05-2013 |
You Want Prayer Warriors for a Comedy Show?
04-03-2013 |
Don't Let Easter Be An Island
03-27-2013 |
The Most Significant Day in History
03-20-2013 |
When Jesus Shows Up
03-13-2013 |
A Medicine You Won't Mind Taking
03-06-2013 |
Fill Out Your "Questions Ballot" Today!
02-27-2013 |
Is It Enough to Just "Be a Good Person"?
02-20-2013 |
When Heroes Fall
02-15-2013 |
Not Too Late to Join "The Anchor Course" -- But It Soon Will Be
02-13-2013 |
Memento Mori
02-06-2013 |
Follow Your Heart and Fear Does Not Exist
01-30-2013 |
Are You Suffering From the Wallenda Factor?
01-23-2013 |
In the City For the City
01-16-2013 |
Or! What Is It Good For?
01-09-2013 |
Get Your Ticket for This Churchwide Banquet!
01-02-2013 |
This is Your Wake-Up Call
2012 |
12-19-2012 |
The End?
12-12-2012 |
Wise Creasters Still Seek Him
12-05-2012 |
Opportunities This Christmas
11-28-2012 |
What It Takes to Teach the World to Sing
11-21-2012 |
From Gratitude to God
11-14-2012 |
Whittled Down to our Essence
11-07-2012 |
Vague Commands?
10-31-2012 |
Too Busy Not to Pray
10-24-2012 |
How to Guard Against Sexual Sin
10-17-2012 |
Healing the Violence of Our Hands and Heart
10-10-2012 |
What Honoring Parents Can Do For You
10-03-2012 |
A Day to Fully Rest in the Work Christ Has Done
09-26-2012 |
The Strong Tower of God's Name
09-19-2012 |
The Six Commandments?
09-12-2012 |
Our "Ten Commandments" Study Starts Sunday!
09-10-2012 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
09-05-2012 |
We're Back in Our Renovated Auditorium!
08-29-2012 |
The Power of Your Expectations
08-22-2012 |
Devotionals are for the Brave
08-15-2012 |
08-08-2012 |
We Can Be Heroes
08-01-2012 |
A Heartless Crime
07-25-2012 |
Holding Out for Grace
07-18-2012 |
Omelets with "Mostly Fresh Eggs"
07-11-2012 |
50 Shades of Decay
07-04-2012 |
How to Pray for Your Pastor
06-27-2012 |
Proof of Life
06-20-2012 |
06-13-2012 |
What God Can Do With Ordinary You
06-06-2012 |
The Top 10 Ways To Make Summer Worship Great
05-30-2012 |
How to Confront
05-23-2012 |
It's Move-Out Time!
05-16-2012 |
Hearing Aids
05-09-2012 |
To Forbear is Divine
05-02-2012 |
When You Have to be a Mediator
04-25-2012 |
Dueling Leaf-Blowers and You
04-18-2012 |
Angry Birds and the Albatross
04-11-2012 |
Note to Self: Letters to a High School Me
04-04-2012 |
A Romance Story Written in Red
03-28-2012 |
Part of A Complete Sunday
03-21-2012 |
Eyes Wide Open
03-14-2012 |
Our Enemy's Most Effective Tool
03-07-2012 |
When You Feel Like a Bug on the Windshield of Life
02-29-2012 |
Be Ambitious About Controlling Ambitions
02-22-2012 |
When Flies Kill Lions
02-15-2012 |
When People Let You Down
02-08-2012 |
Our Extraordinary God
02-01-2012 |
Dig Another Well
01-31-2012 |
Electric Utility Rate Increase -- What You Can Do
01-25-2012 |
What Four?
01-18-2012 |
They're Searching, So Help Them Find Us
01-11-2012 |
Of Limericks, Haikus, and Other Divine Poems
01-04-2012 |
What's a Friendventory?
2011 |
12-21-2011 |
Riding Herd
12-14-2011 |
If Not Us, Then Who's Going To Do It?
12-09-2011 |
Three Christmas Weekends at Hillcrest
12-07-2011 |
King David's King
11-30-2011 |
What Are You 'Counting' On?
11-23-2011 |
Riding with the King
11-18-2011 |
Please Make Your Voice Heard on the Austin Energy Rate Increase
11-16-2011 |
When God's In Charge, You Can Take Charge
11-09-2011 |
When a Hero Falls
11-02-2011 |
A Cripple at The King's Table
10-26-2011 |
What's at the Center of Your Life?
10-21-2011 |
Get Anchored Sunday Mornings!
10-19-2011 |
When Hiring a "Revenge Specialist" Isn't An Option
10-12-2011 |
Life Lessons from King David
10-05-2011 |
Don't Bother Inviting Me
10-04-2011 |
First Wednesday
09-28-2011 |
More Connections
09-21-2011 |
09-14-2011 |
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
09-10-2011 |
Volunteers Needed!
09-07-2011 |
Who's On Your Fridge?
08-31-2011 |
The Power of Prayer
08-24-2011 |
What Part Will You Play in Someone's Faith Story?
08-17-2011 |
Opportunities to Learn and to Serve
08-10-2011 |
What We Hope People Will Become
08-03-2011 |
Hillcrest Blessings
07-27-2011 |
Sing to the King
07-21-2011 |
Six Things to Look for in the Lord's Supper
07-13-2011 |
The Holy Helper
07-06-2011 |
Colleagues or Competitors?
06-29-2011 |
Does God Find You Useful?
06-22-2011 |
A Life Built By Busyness or Blueprints?
06-15-2011 |
A Solider in the Army of the Lord
06-08-2011 |
Make the Most of Sunday's Worship Service
06-01-2011 |
Fit Your Story into the Bigger Story
05-25-2011 |
Raising Ebenezers
05-18-2011 |
Three... Two... One... Lift-Off!
05-16-2011 |
Don't Be Left Out! Thursday Deadline for "Beautiful Thing"
05-11-2011 |
A Praying Church
05-04-2011 |
Love is the Thing
04-27-2011 |
Get Busy Living
04-20-2011 |
The Family Album Relay and the Easter Encounter
04-13-2011 |
Restoring Lost Values
04-06-2011 |
Think F-A-S-T!
03-31-2011 |
Meet, Pray, Love
03-30-2011 |
A Beautiful Thing
03-24-2011 |
Introducing Our Renovation Project
03-23-2011 |
It's What You Do Right Now That Makes the Difference
03-16-2011 |
Attending to the Building We Attend
03-09-2011 |
The Priority of Prayer
03-02-2011 |
Watchers and Doers
02-23-2011 |
Stubborn in Rebellion -- Stubborn in Faith
02-17-2011 |
Welcome our New Minister to Students!
02-16-2011 |
Jakarta Mission Trip
02-09-2011 |
Meet Steve Cloud
02-02-2011 |
Trolling for God?
01-26-2011 |
A Useful Word about the Useful Word
01-19-2011 |
Worth Ship
01-12-2011 |
Making Sunday Nights Count
01-05-2011 |
Get Anchored Sunday Mornings!
2010 |
12-22-2010 |
Missing Jesus
12-15-2010 |
What if God Was One of Us?
12-08-2010 |
What It Takes to Teach the World to Sing
11-30-2010 |
What Does Jesus Do During the Offering Time?
11-24-2010 |
Inspiration Leads to Perspiration
11-17-2010 |
Influence Isn't a Popularity Contest
11-10-2010 |
The Most Important Word You'll Learn This Week
11-03-2010 |
Leave Your Mark
10-27-2010 |
Trusting in our Abundant God
10-20-2010 |
Proof of Life
10-13-2010 |
10-06-2010 |
How to Make a Lasting Impression
09-29-2010 |
Gorillas in the Midst
09-22-2010 |
God Uses Good-byes
09-15-2010 |
Following Christ but Quitting Christianity?
09-14-2010 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
09-08-2010 |
Get Anchored!
09-01-2010 |
Finders, Seekers
08-25-2010 |
Be Part of Our Baptism Celebration!
08-24-2010 |
Reminder About the Master Plan Report
08-18-2010 |
What Are the 15 Most Precious Pages of Your Bible?
08-11-2010 |
Getting Ready for the Hillcrest Master Plan
08-05-2010 |
REPLY REQUESTED - Leadership Breakfast
08-04-2010 |
07-28-2010 |
Our Sizzling Summer Schedule
07-21-2010 |
Christ's Butler School
07-14-2010 |
Spiritual Warfare and Suppressing Fire
07-07-2010 |
Trifling with God
06-30-2010 |
An Immigrant's Tale
06-23-2010 |
Be a Barnabas!
06-17-2010 |
Update on the Transformational Church Survey
06-16-2010 |
The Council of Dads
06-09-2010 |
Pack a Kit: Serve the World
06-02-2010 |
From Bunker to Beachhead
05-26-2010 |
Six Things to Look for in the Lord's Supper
05-20-2010 |
Who Will Your Deacon Candidate Be?
05-12-2010 |
How to Strengthen a Sermon
05-05-2010 |
When the Wind Blows
04-28-2010 |
Where Grace and Truth Meet
04-21-2010 |
To Our Wounds Only God's Wounds Can Speak
04-14-2010 |
Ballerina and Stripper
04-07-2010 |
The Neighboring Faiths Interviews
04-07-2010 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
03-31-2010 |
The Easter Encounter
03-24-2010 |
Get Anchored!
03-17-2010 |
Telling People About God
03-13-2010 |
Spring Forward Tomorrow!
03-10-2010 |
Purchased by and for God
03-03-2010 |
Christ Without the Cross?
02-24-2010 |
No More Hermit Holes
02-17-2010 |
Powerless to Shut Up
02-10-2010 |
Why Church-Going and Evangelism Belong Together
02-03-2010 |
Lost: It's More Than a TV Show
01-28-2010 |
What Impression Are You Making?
01-20-2010 |
Godly Influence
01-18-2010 |
Matching Funds for Haiti Disaster Relief
01-13-2010 |
Even if . . .
01-08-2010 |
Discussing Our Future Over BBQ
01-06-2010 |
Three Ways to Build Your Life on God's Word
2009 |
12-23-2009 |
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
12-16-2009 |
Preparing Preparers
12-09-2009 |
Welcome the Creasters
12-02-2009 |
Five Reasons Sharing Your Faith Strengthens Your Faith
11-25-2009 |
11-18-2009 |
Hillcrest at Prayer
11-11-2009 |
Of Walls and Witness
11-04-2009 |
Making it Right
10-28-2009 |
A 193-Year-Old Apology
10-21-2009 |
In the Master's Hands
10-14-2009 |
I Yam What I Yam
10-07-2009 |
The Price of Admission
09-30-2009 |
Taking Stock
09-23-2009 |
He Takes Us Where He Finds Us
09-16-2009 |
09-15-2009 |
Reminder about the "Get Anchored" Dinner
09-09-2009 |
Through the Valley of Surrender
09-02-2009 |
Missing the Heart of the Father
08-26-2009 |
Rethink Church
08-19-2009 |
A Re-Invitation Away
08-12-2009 |
Seeking the Seeker
08-05-2009 |
Fit Your Story into the Bigger Story
08-03-2009 |
My Zambia Mission-Trip Report... and What You Can Do
07-29-2009 |
'Come and See' or 'Go and Tell'?
07-22-2009 |
God Can
07-15-2009 |
Hallowed Be Thy Name
07-08-2009 |
The Fear of Success
07-01-2009 |
Finding a Forever Family
06-24-2009 |
Standing Strong in Tough Times
06-17-2009 |
Honor Your Father
06-10-2009 |
A Goodman in Africa
06-03-2009 |
When Advice is Obvious but Not Frivolous
05-27-2009 |
Become a Wise Guy
05-20-2009 |
Six Worship Music Principles
05-13-2009 |
The Christian Husband
05-06-2009 |
Tuning to God's Pitch
04-29-2009 |
Edging God Out
04-22-2009 |
Gaining from Brilliant Thoughts
04-21-2009 |
"Forward" Thinking!
04-15-2009 |
Bumper Sticker Wisdom
04-08-2009 |
Get a Do-Over
04-01-2009 |
Written in Red
03-25-2009 |
Seven Ways to "Improve" Your Baptism
03-18-2009 |
Living Today in Light of the Future
03-11-2009 |
Woeful Ways
03-04-2009 |
A Celebration of the Bible
02-25-2009 |
A Defining Moment
02-18-2009 |
Life Beyond This Life
02-11-2009 |
What Jesus Thinks of the 1040
02-04-2009 |
Sunday Nights at Hillcrest
01-28-2009 |
Get Anchored!
01-21-2009 |
Worship and Welcome
01-14-2009 |
Are You Alive?
01-07-2009 |
What Jesus Thinks of Helicopter Parents
01-06-2009 |
THIS WEDNESDAY: Motion to Meet Together at 10
2008 |
12-31-2008 |
A New Year to Climb Higher
12-22-2008 |
O Come Let Us Adore Him: Christmas Eve at Hillcrest
12-17-2008 |
What if God Was One of Us?
12-10-2008 |
Mark Your Calendar for this Banquet!
12-03-2008 |
Membership and Missions
11-26-2008 |
Thanks Giving
11-25-2008 |
Special Update on Upward Basketball and Hillcrest Hoops
11-19-2008 |
11-12-2008 |
Finding the Love of Your Life
11-05-2008 |
H-E-L-P for a Spiritual Mismatch
10-29-2008 |
'Til Debt Do Us Part?
10-22-2008 |
10-15-2008 |
10-08-2008 |
A Spiritual Pedicure
10-01-2008 |
The Power of Your Forgiveness
09-24-2008 |
Revved Up!
09-17-2008 |
Are You Mayor of the Center of the World?
09-15-2008 |
Reminder about the 'Get Anchored' Dinner
09-10-2008 |
What Got Jesus Frustrated
09-03-2008 |
An Anchor for the Soul
08-27-2008 |
Are You a Functional Atheist?
08-20-2008 |
Lost in Translation
08-13-2008 |
The Church You've Always Longed For
08-06-2008 |
Summer Sunday Fun Day FAQ
07-30-2008 |
Here I Am
07-23-2008 |
The Privileged Planet
07-16-2008 |
Are You Ready?
07-09-2008 |
Hell? No, We Won't Go!
07-02-2008 |
Neighborhood Connections
06-25-2008 |
What If God Responds?
06-18-2008 |
The Church of Oprah
06-11-2008 |
A Parent's Lesson Plan
06-04-2008 |
Risk's Rewards
05-28-2008 |
Finders, Seekers
05-21-2008 |
Faith Stories
05-14-2008 |
Five Years Under the Hardhat
05-07-2008 |
The Mom Who Went on Strike
04-30-2008 |
04-23-2008 |
Got to be Grateful
04-16-2008 |
Creation Care
04-09-2008 |
What Are Your Bible's Most Important Fifteen Pages?
04-02-2008 |
Just Walk Across the Room
03-26-2008 |
The Cost of Doing Nothing
03-19-2008 |
Learning to Doubt Your Doubts
03-17-2008 |
Reminder about the 'Get Anchored' Dinner
03-12-2008 |
An Anchor for Life
03-03-2008 |
Catch the Vision!
02-27-2008 |
Baptism at the Ninth Hole
02-20-2008 |
Reaching Our Biblically Illiterate Culture
02-13-2008 |
The Church of God Grill
02-06-2008 |
Are You a "Tough Guy"?
01-30-2008 |
Ditching the Uniform
01-23-2008 |
Invite Your World to Life
01-16-2008 |
Stand and Deliver
01-09-2008 |
Why Sing?
01-02-2008 |
Good Riddance Day
2007 |
12-19-2007 |
Christmas Craziness
12-12-2007 |
O Little Town of Bethlehem
12-05-2007 |
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
11-28-2007 |
Christmas is for Missions Support
11-21-2007 |
Take a Pilgrimage with Me!
11-14-2007 |
A 'Gladiator' Seeks Baptism
11-07-2007 |
Discover Hillcrest -- and a Free Lunch!
10-31-2007 |
When You Suffer from Sunset
10-24-2007 |
Our Connection Campaign -- Phase Two
10-17-2007 |
Twelve Ordinary Men
10-10-2007 |
Ordinary You
10-03-2007 |
The Bath of Baptism
09-26-2007 |
A Perfect THEM Day!
09-20-2007 |
Wreck the Roof!
09-13-2007 |
The Lesson of the Seagull
09-05-2007 |
What Kind of Jesus Do You Have In Your Boat?
08-29-2007 |
An Anchor for the Soul
08-23-2007 |
THIS SUNDAY: Breakfast and One Special Service
08-22-2007 |
An Opportunity for Marriage Enrichment
08-15-2007 |
Sunday's Family Meeting
08-08-2007 |
Connect with Our Connection Campaign!
08-01-2007 |
The True Story of Rhett and Scarlett
07-25-2007 |
Make the Right Choice
07-18-2007 |
God's Power for Your Life
07-11-2007 |
Solving A "Critical" Problem
07-04-2007 |
When Flies Kill Lions
06-27-2007 |
Adventures with Tom!
06-20-2007 |
Why Fast?
06-13-2007 |
Three Renovations: Our Space
06-06-2007 |
Three Renovations: Our Program
05-30-2007 |
Three Renovations: Our Heart
05-23-2007 |
A Shepherd’s Heart
05-16-2007 |
Sweet Revenge?
05-09-2007 |
Honest to God!
05-02-2007 |
What 'I Do' Really Means
04-25-2007 |
Good Buzz
04-18-2007 |
Anger Management
04-11-2007 |
Time for Your Extreme Makeover
04-04-2007 |
Send an Easter Invitation!
04-04-2007 |
Discover Hope Again
03-28-2007 |
People to Thank
03-26-2007 |
Reminder about the “Get Anchored” Dinner
03-21-2007 |
Longing for Light
03-14-2007 |
An Anchor for the Soul
03-07-2007 |
Remember to Forget
02-28-2007 |
What Impression Are You Making?
02-21-2007 |
Connecting with International Students in Austin
02-14-2007 |
Go Ahead, Let it Out
02-07-2007 |
What Are You Chasing?
01-31-2007 |
A Super Sunday to Talk About Fishing!
01-24-2007 |
Pay Attention to the Foundation
01-17-2007 |
Small Mistakes--Big Consequences
01-10-2007 |
No More Bowling Alone
01-03-2007 |
Don’t Be a Pew Potato!
2006 |
12-20-2006 |
The One We Celebrate
12-13-2006 |
Taking Scissors to the Virgin Birth?
12-06-2006 |
Just in Time
11-29-2006 |
Global Missions Matter
11-22-2006 |
Money Talks
11-15-2006 |
Passion Again
11-08-2006 |
Writing Letters to God
11-01-2006 |
A Ban on Death?
10-25-2006 |
Why the Cross?
10-25-2006 |
Send An Invitation About This Sunday’s Study
10-18-2006 |
A Vision That Will Draw People
10-11-2006 |
God's Gym
10-04-2006 |
There’s Something about That Name
09-27-2006 |
Everything I Ever Needed to Know About God
09-19-2006 |
How to Investigate the Faith
09-13-2006 |
Truth in a 'Whatever' World
09-07-2006 |
An Anchor for the Soul
08-30-2006 |
What is a Deacon?
08-23-2006 |
3 X 5 Night
08-16-2006 |
Hillcrest Footwashers
08-09-2006 |
God is Closer Than You Think
08-02-2006 |
Spiritually Homeless
07-26-2006 |
Grown... But Not Forgotten
07-19-2006 |
Find... Follow... Together
07-12-2006 |
Enter Narnia!
07-05-2006 |
The Next Level at Work
06-28-2006 |
Life Together
06-21-2006 |
A Glimpse at the Workings of God
06-14-2006 |
Honorable Fathers
06-07-2006 |
Are You Contagious?
05-31-2006 |
Next-Level Living
05-24-2006 |
To the Graduating Class of 2006
05-17-2006 |
Raising Ebenezer
05-10-2006 |
When Children Turn into Cats
05-03-2006 |
Believing the Worst About Christianity
04-26-2006 |
What If God Was One of Us?
04-19-2006 |
Discussing The Da Vinci Code
04-12-2006 |
The Judas Ballyhoo
04-05-2006 |
A Doorkeeper in the House of the Lord
03-29-2006 |
03-22-2006 |
Worship is About Me . . .
03-15-2006 |
A Worship Campaign
03-08-2006 |
Two Services: How You Can Bless Your Church
03-01-2006 |
Two Services: Bible Study for Adults
02-22-2006 |
Two Services: Kids Ministry
02-15-2006 |
Two Services: The Schedule
02-08-2006 |
Two Services: Love Compels Us
02-01-2006 |
Two Services: What’s Your Blend?
01-24-2006 |
Tragedy's Triumph
01-18-2006 |
God’s Mark
01-11-2006 |
Two Services: Filling In Blanks
01-04-2006 |
Praying Together
2005 |
12-28-2005 |
Happy New Year!
12-21-2005 |
The Silly Season
12-15-2005 |
A Gift for Jesus
12-13-2005 |
God’s Storyteller
12-06-2005 |
Good . . . But Not Safe
11-30-2005 |
The First Christmas Carols
11-25-2005 |
Either-Or Christianity and the Pulpit
11-16-2005 |
April 16
11-09-2005 |
Either-Or Christianity and Missions
11-02-2005 |
Either-Or Christianity and the Marriage Amendment
10-27-2005 |
Support Our Troops!
10-26-2005 |
Either-Or Christianity, Part One
10-19-2005 |
Rescued from Either-Or Christianity
10-12-2005 |
Underdog Stories
10-05-2005 |
Jesus and Our Last Enemy
09-28-2005 |
Part of This Complete Breakfast
09-22-2005 |
Hurricane Rita and Hillcrest Activities
09-21-2005 |
Jesus Meetings
09-14-2005 |
Katrina Relief
09-14-2005 |
A Fellowship . . . A Partnership
09-07-2005 |
Servants, Serving, and Service
08-31-2005 |
Firehouse Visits -- Only Ten Days Left!
08-24-2005 |
Honoring Austin’s Firefighters
08-17-2005 |
Discover Hillcrest -- and a Free Lunch!
08-17-2005 |
08-10-2005 |
Who Are You?
08-03-2005 |
Are You the Victim of Identity Theft?
07-27-2005 |
Hillcrest Generations: The Bridgers
07-20-2005 |
Hillcrest Generations: The Busters
07-13-2005 |
Hillcrest Generations: The Boomers
07-06-2005 |
Hillcrest Generations: The Builders
06-29-2005 |
My Daddy Will Save Me
06-22-2005 |
When It Don’t Come Easy
06-15-2005 |
Our Fathers Who Are on Earth
06-08-2005 |
David Sings the Blues
06-01-2005 |
The Hillcrest Institute
05-25-2005 |
Something Exciting for Sunday Nights
05-18-2005 |
Time Out!
05-11-2005 |
Changing Course With the Spirit
05-04-2005 |
Raising Your Kids Without Raising Your Blood Pressure
04-27-2005 |
When Unchurched Harry Met Sally
04-20-2005 |
Isn’t It Romantic . . .
04-13-2005 |
Rock Solid Rocks Solid
04-06-2005 |
Do You Have a Stressed Nest?
03-30-2005 |
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
03-23-2005 |
God Can
03-16-2005 |
Raising Ebenezers
03-09-2005 |
Just a Closer Walk
03-02-2005 |
Plug In!
02-23-2005 |
God’s Beggar
02-16-2005 |
The Vision Thing
02-09-2005 |
Lab Rats Wanted
02-02-2005 |
The Lord’s Prayer in Your World
01-26-2005 |
There Is a Name I Love to Hear
01-19-2005 |
Learning to Talk to God
01-12-2005 |
Whittle by Whittle
01-05-2005 |
Lost: It’s More Than a TV Show
2004 |
12-15-2004 |
What We Want for Christmas
12-08-2004 |
Corrected Recipe: Praline French Toast
12-08-2004 |
Courage is a Three-Letter Word (with Corrected Recipe)
12-01-2004 |
A Gift for Jesus
11-24-2004 |
Growth in Giving
11-17-2004 |
Celebrating and Sustaining Our Victory
11-10-2004 |
End Strong
11-03-2004 |
Service or Serve-Us?
10-27-2004 |
Halfway Point!
10-20-2004 |
Formed for Fellowship
10-13-2004 |
Worth Ship
10-06-2004 |
When is a Mountain Just a Foothill?
09-29-2004 |
Your Campaign Checklist
09-22-2004 |
Plugging In to Power
09-15-2004 |
Help with Hurricane Relief
09-08-2004 |
09-01-2004 |
Exploring and Explaining the Faith
08-25-2004 |
Hillcrest and the Purpose-Driven Life
08-18-2004 |
Changed Lives Changing Lives
08-11-2004 |
God at the Movies
08-04-2004 |
What Does the 'E' Stand for in Your E-Mail?
08-04-2004 |
The Power of the Forward Button
07-28-2004 |
Until Then?
07-21-2004 |
Make a Summertime Splash
07-14-2004 |
The Deconstruction Worker
07-07-2004 |
Still Expecting His Return
06-30-2004 |
Learning Experience
06-23-2004 |
Think Fast!
06-16-2004 |
The 'Marks' of the Beast
06-09-2004 |
Bad Moon Rising
06-02-2004 |
A Look at the Last Days
05-26-2004 |
Summertime Checkup
05-19-2004 |
Year Two
05-12-2004 |
The Vision Thing
05-05-2004 |
Making Mom's Day
04-28-2004 |
The Renovation of Our Look
04-21-2004 |
The Renovation of Our Program
04-14-2004 |
The Renovation of Our Heart
04-07-2004 |
What Does Easter Prove?
03-31-2004 |
Easter Excitement
03-24-2004 |
The Promise of Buried Seeds
03-17-2004 |
Hands on Austin
03-10-2004 |
Hearing Aids
03-03-2004 |
Experiencing the Passion of the Christ
02-25-2004 |
Passion FOR the Christ
02-18-2004 |
02-11-2004 |
A Hello and a Goodbye
02-04-2004 |
Are You a Mountain Maker?
01-21-2004 |
Don’t Know Much About History
01-14-2004 |
An Exciting Start
01-07-2004 |
Moving Movies
2003 |
12-17-2003 |
The Gospel According to Frodo
12-10-2003 |
A New Respect for an Old Commitment
12-03-2003 |
Special Workshop This Sunday
11-26-2003 |
From Grumbling to Gratitude
11-19-2003 |
What Does Jesus Do During the Offering Time?
11-12-2003 |
Between Sundays
11-05-2003 |
Depending on God . . . Delighting in Him
10-29-2003 |
The God-Oriented Life
10-22-2003 |
Get the Lead Out!
10-15-2003 |
Seeking the Seeker
10-08-2003 |
Solitary Refinement
10-01-2003 |
Model Families in Model Homes
09-24-2003 |
Take This Job and Love It!
09-17-2003 |
Where There’s Life, There’s Cope
09-10-2003 |
What Are Friends For?
09-03-2003 |
What Love’s Got to Do With It
08-27-2003 |
Your Turn?
08-20-2003 |
How to Talk to God
08-13-2003 |
I Didn’t Do It On Purpose
08-06-2003 |
The Church of God Grill
07-30-2003 |
Fear of Success
07-23-2003 |
Headlines or Headaches?
07-16-2003 |
Treatment for a Global Dis-ease
07-09-2003 |
The God of the Stories
07-02-2003 |
At the End . . . A New Beginning
06-25-2003 |
A Spiritual Tauberbischofsheim
06-18-2003 |
Mind Games
06-11-2003 |
Faith Full
06-04-2003 |
The Flip-Flop Flap
05-28-2003 |
Lost in the Translation
05-21-2003 |
Watch Out for Truth Decay
05-08-2003 |
The Mom Who Went on Strike
05-01-2003 |
Who Prays for Bill Ford?
04-24-2003 |
Lessons on Standing Up