Winning Ways Special - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas 
Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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A Great BBQ Dinner and a Fascinating Speaker!
by Tom Goodman
April 3, 2014

The Easter season can give us unique opportunities to talk with those who have questions about our faith.  This year's Winning Ways Banquet will prepare you for those conversations.

Usually we can easily get a full house by just saying that our own Jay Simpson is cooking his famous BBQ!  Add a fascinating program to the meal, and it makes for a night you don't want to miss.

Our special guest at the banquet is Mary Jo Sharp.  She was a young nonbeliever until she was exposed to facts about the Christian faith she had to deal with.  She now serves as a professor at Houston Baptist University's growing apologetics program, and she runs the Confident Christianity ministry.  She is the author of several books, including one taught in our church called Why Do You Believe That?

She will prepare you for Easter-season conversations with a presentation called "Making Your Case for the Resurrection."

The Winning Ways Banquet will take place one week before Easter, on Sunday, April 13, 6:30 p.m.  Tickets are required, and they cost $6.50 per person.  Child care is available for children 4th grade and younger (must have advance reservation).

To learn more about the banquet and to buy your tickets online, go to  We've uploaded a video introduction to Mary Jo Sharp at the web page.

Forward this email to someone with an invitation to join you.  This is a perfect program to find faith or to grow in faith!

Tom Goodman, Pastor