Winning Ways Special - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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Update on the Transformational Church Survey
by Tom Goodman
June 17, 2010

Here's a quick reminder about the Transformational Church Survey.  If you're a Hillcrest member, you should have received a copy of the survey by mail.

First:  The deadline to complete the survey is this Monday, June 21.  If you're completing the paper form instead of the online form, please turn it in when you attend the church service this Sunday.

Second:  Remember, the survey is asking for your opinion, not statements of fact.  So if you get to questions asking you about areas of the church you're not familiar with, we just want your impressions.  Be sure to answer all questions or the survey cannot be counted by LifeWay.

Third:  This should take you just 15 minutes to complete, but your investment of time will greatly benefit Hillcrest.  Based on our church size, this survey process requires that a minimum of 86 active adult members to participate.  The ideal number is 240.  So, you can see how important your 15 minutes is to the process.   It will be hard to reach this number of participants without you!

We hope we can count on your fifteen minutes!