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Finding the Love of Your Life
by Tom Goodman
November 12, 2008

Is there a "Christian" way to date?  An online dating company that caters to Christians suggested the following "chat up" lines as conversation starters among Christians.  I think they were kidding; but if you're single, tell me if the lines work for you:

"Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives.  He never met you."

"Is this pew taken?"

"I just don't feel called to celibacy."

"You float my ark."

"I didn't believe in predestination until tonight."

"How many times do I have to walk around you before you fall for me?"

"The name is Will.  God's Will."

Whether there's a "Christian" way to strike up a relationship or not, there's a more important question to answer.  What qualities should you look for in a potential marriage partner?

I think you should look at the matter like a traffic light at an intersection.  A red light means "stop," a yellow light means "proceed with caution and be prepared to stop," and a green light means "go."  Likewise, there are red light issues, yellow light issues, and green light issues as you decide whether to proceed in a romantic relationship.

One "red light" that should stop you is when you find your friend is not a believer.  Though we will -- and should -- have friendships with all kinds of people, a marriage relationship requires more discernment.  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NIV), "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers."

And then there are some "yellow lights" that should make you proceed with caution and be prepared to stop your relationship.  Marrying too young, deciding to marry too soon in the relationship, planning to marry without the blessing of your family -- these are some cautions that come to my mind.  None of these things are "deal breakers," but issues like this should give you pause before running headstrong to the altar.

But don't forget the "green light," too!  In your car, there's no point in idling forever at an intersection:  A traffic light lets you know when it's safe to proceed!  I think too many young adults have idled too long instead of finding and committing to another.

This Sunday, join us as we look at these things.  We'll examine the dumb choices Samson made in his romantic relationships in hopes of avoiding the same.  We meet Together @ 10!

Weblog:  Check out my blog, "Get Anchored."  Some things to look for...

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