"An Anchor for the Soul"
by Tom Goodman
September 7, 2006
Hebrews 6:19 says of our faith: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul.” I want to help people anchor life to something solid. That’s why I’m beginning a new series this Sunday, and I’m giving away a copy of my new book to
everyone who attends the series (one per household, please).
What do Christians believe about God and his relationship to us? Why is the Bible so important to believers? Who is Jesus? What was his vision for the church, and how must believers make that vision a reality? What about
heaven and hell? And why does the cross stand as the most recognizable symbol of the Christian faith?
Firm answers to these vital questions will anchor your life. That’s why
the sermon series starting September 10 may be the most important study I’ve ever
led you through. In addition, the study will give you a chance to expose
your friends to the foundations of the faith.
This study is designed for seekers who want to examine Christianity and it’s designed for believers who want to explain Christianity.
Since I believe this study is so vital to you and your friends, I’m giving away
a copy of my new book to everyone who attends (one book per family). The
book is called The Anchor Course, nearly 300 pages of material designed
to give you
“an anchor for the soul.” Each week, I’ll encourage you to read a few chapters
in the book to get ready for next Sunday’s topic. Of course, when we get
together on Sunday we’ll engage in a Bible study, not a book
study. But I think the readings will better prepare you for each sermon.
If you want copies for friends or relatives who cannot attend the series, we
will have these available for $13 each. You can also order copies online. Sorry—we
cannot ship copies from our church office; I recommend online ordering.
To learn more about the book, go online to www.anchorcourse.org or to www.lulu.com/content/355275. You can read the introduction here.
Please be in prayer as we approach this series, and be thinking about someone you should bring with you!
Important Notes:
Driving Range Fellowship. We will meet at Bud Morgan's driving range
(www.tejasgolf.com) at 10:00 a.m.
this Saturday, September 9. Hit all the balls you want for $8,
then join us for lunch. We should be finished by 1:00 p.m.
Links to Your World
I was inspired by the article in Monday’s Statesman, “Manicurist gives all for Ethiopian school,” about the woman who changed her entire
lifestyle to be able to finance a school for her home village.
In “Meeting
the Joneses,” learn 10 practical ways to get to know your neighbors.
You’ll find more articles and commentary at my weblog, “Get Anchored,” including commentary on the new passion for missions among college students, and Fred Barnes’ explanation of why five
influential people become pro-life. To keep up with the weblog, sign up for e-mail updates or assign the RSS feed to your news reader.
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