Winning Ways - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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“Rock Solid Rocks Solid”
by Tom Goodman
April 13, 2005

The Hillcrest gym rocks on Wednesdays.  At 6:30pm, the lights go down, the volume goes up, and students lift up their own sounds of praise.

It's called Rock Solid Student Ministries.  Parents, have you made the effort to get your teenaged kids or grandkids to this weekly experience?

Every week in the gym, "Rock Solid" opens with high-energy praise songs accompanied by our own student praise band.  After a few songs, Jim Siegel launches into an opening activity.  This usually includes a weekly video "commercial" starring our own students promoting upcoming events.

Next, the praise band leads the group in more reflective songs that prepare the students' hearts to hear Jim's teaching.  This month, he's in a series called "April Fools."  He's helping students see how various Bible characters recovered from foolish decisions.  Our prayer is that our students will discover that failure is never final in the Christian life.

This is good stuff, and I hope you're encouraging your kids or grandkids to be at Hillcrest on Wednesdays.  Yes, I know: our families are spread all over the Austin metro area.  Yes, I know: it's not fun to be on Austin roads at that time of day.  But let me give you a gentle nudge:  I've watched parents overcome those things to get their kids to ball practice, or tutoring, or appointments, or a host of other things.  I've even watched parents sit in the stands and read a book for an hour while their kid worked out with his ball team.

Let me challenge you to join my family in that same commitment to "Rock Solid" on Wednesdays.  Give it a try in April and May and I think you'll see it's worth your efforts!

What a great experience we had together in worship on Sunday!  My thanks to everyone in the music ministry who work so hard to draw us into worship every week.

This past Sunday was a fantastic launch of our new series, "Help for Your Stressed Nest!"  Don't let anything keep you from Hillcrest the next couple of months as we see how God's Word can help us deal with the pressures of family life!  This coming Sunday, our focus is on what the book of Proverbs has to say about good money management.  The message is called, "Til Debt Do Us Part?"  See you at 10:45am!


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