Winning Ways - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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“Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!”
by Tom Goodman
March 30, 2005

“When did you say it was?”

“Six Tuesdays at Six O’Clock.”

A pause, and then, “Uh, six o’clock a.m.?”

That’s the reaction our staff is getting from some men as we promote the Men’s Fraternity that begins next Tuesday.  When it comes to a 6:00 a.m. gathering, I understand the reluctance—believe me!  Still, there are two big reasons why men need to set their alarms early for the next six Tuesdays.

First, it will be worth it.  The Bible calls on men to be the spiritual leaders of our families, but when was the last time you got some specific help for that role?  Getting up early for six Tuesdays is worth it if the Fraternity will make you a better influence in your world.  The men of our Ministry Staff will lead you in a Bible study of what God wants of his men.  This study has proven incredibly effective in the Arkansas church where it began.

What’s more, here’s a chance to interact with other Hillcrest men from various generations—to hear their heart, to learn from their experiences, and to encourage each other in our Christian walk.

A light breakfast will be served for $3.  We’ll end by 7:15 a.m.

Second, this is the best time to do this.  Really.  Most of us have to be at work early (including the Ministry Staff).  We also know that it’s hypocrisy to take another evening away from our families to study how to be better leaders of our families!  What’s more, a meeting after work might mean missing your favorite ball game or show on TV.  The only things on TV at 6:00 a.m. are infomercials!

When you’re slow to catch on to what someone’s trying to tell you, they might say, “Hey, wake up and smell the coffee!”  You know, I think God’s saying that to a lot of us guys!  Starting next Tuesday, April 5, wake up and smell the coffee.  I’ll see you at six.

Yes . . . a.m.!


— Don’t Skip These Important Notes —

SPRING FORWARD!  Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, April 3, so remember to set your clocks forward an hour when you go to bed on Saturday.

Help for Your Stressed Nest: Biblical Advice on Family Life.  That’s the title of a new sermon series beginning April 10 in the 10:45 morning service.  Topics include:

     o  How to Be Good and Mad
     o  Til Debt Do Us Part?
     o  The Bedroom: Playground or Battleground?
     o  When Unchurched Harry Met Sally
     o  Raising Your Kids Without Raising Your Blood Pressure
     o  Manage Your Time Before it Manages You!

New Classes!  Three new classes begin this Sunday at 5:00 p.m:

Building Your Child’s Faith, led by Upward Basketball Coordinator Jennifer Tobey.  Provides proven means for introducing your child to Christ and helping them understand what Christianity is all about.
Christianity and Islam, led by Susie Miller.  You will gain a better understanding of your faith and how to interact with the faith of your Muslim friends.
Finding Your P.L.A.C.E., led by Herb Ingram.  You will discover your unique P.L.A.C.E. for service in the kingdom of God!

Mom-to-Mom.  Friday, April 8th, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Parlor.

Topic:  Keeping your joy in the midst of difficult circumstances
Speakers:  Jan Cammack and BJ Linam
Contact:  Melinda Johnson, 310-0590 for details and to arrange childcare.

Discover Hillcrest.  Sunday, April 10.  The class will be held right after the morning service, AND LUNCH IS PROVIDED!  The class is for those who want to become members, and for those who just want to learn more about Hillcrest.  Topics include:

     o  The most important thing you need to know about Jesus
     o  Four fundamentals of spiritual growth, using the acronym "H.I.L.L."
     o  Our church's key values and strategy
     o  How to "connect" with others in the church

While I teach the adult class, BJ teaches "Discover Hillcrest Kids" for children ages 8-12, and Jim teaches "Discover Hillcrest Youth" for students in grades 6-12.  Childcare is provided for children under the age of 8.

Terri Schiavo and Life Ethics.  By the time you read this, Terri Schiavo may be dead from dehydration.  I found the following opinion piece from Christianity Today aptly sums up my thoughts on the matter:

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