Winning Ways - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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“Lost: It’s More Than a TV Show”
by Tom Goodman
January 5, 2005

Lots are lost, but not everyone’s lost in the same way.  Until we grasp this truth, we won’t be effective at obeying Christ’s command to share the gospel.

Our church has discovered that the most important word in the Great Commission is the word THEM:  “Go and make them my disciples, baptizing them and teaching them . . . .”  On two previous Sundays in the summer and fall, we made commitments to identify our THEMs and to nurture authentic relationships with them.

Now it’s time to take a third step:  We must verify their spiritual condition.  Some of your THEMs are very open to long talks about your faith, and others are not.  This Sunday we’ll look at how to determine where someone’s “at” spiritually, and how to deal with people at different stages of “lostness.”  Some of your THEMs simply need your presence, others need your proclamation, and others need your persuasion.

Since you’re one of the more attentive attenders at Hillcrest, you’ve probably figured out that the first three steps I’ve shared with you begin with the letters I.N.V.  (Identify, Nurture, and Verify).  Across the next six months, you’ll get introduced to the last three steps that begin with the letters I.T.E.  We’re taking a whole year to introduce our “I.N.V.I.T.E. Evangelism Strategy” to Hillcrest.  Lives are being changed—make yours one of them!


A new season of Upward Basketball begins this Saturday, and about a thousand people will pass through our gym every weekend for the next 2 months.  If you’re a Hillcrester and part of Upward, come to a SPECIAL MEETING this Friday at 6:30 in the MPC!  We want your help in making this the best season ever!


This past Sunday I shared four ways we need to respond to the tsunami disaster.  If you missed the message or want to review the points, go to Click here.


I will be traveling to Cayman January 15-22 to help restore what Hurricane Ivan damaged.  If you want to go, you only have a couple of days to let me know.  Sorry for the last-minute notice, but this trip was put together pretty quickly.  Write me for more details at or call me at 512-345-3771.


Our membership class (Discover Hillcrest) is this Sunday following the morning service.  The workbook, lunch and childcare are all free, and we’re done by 2:30 p.m.  Make plans to join me!


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