Winning Ways - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas 
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Next Steps in Exploring God
by Tom Goodman
October 23, 2013

What's next now that the citywide "Explore God" series is over?  Here are some things you can do.

First: Submit Your "Explore God" Story.  We want to know how the "Explore God" campaign has impacted you.  Did it settle a question you were wrestling with?  Did you get into some interesting conversations in the community?  Did you make a decision for Christ?  Send us your impressions and stories.  Your story will be a real encouragement to the leaders of this campaign.  We'll publish as many as we can on November 10.

Second: Review the Sermons.  If there was a sermon or two that you missed, or a topic you need to review again, all the sermons are here:  You can also forward this web address to others and recommend they listen to particular sermons.

Third: Introduce a Friend to The Anchor Course.  Seven years ago I released an introduction to Christianity called The Anchor Course, and I teach it twice a year.  It's designed for those exploring the faith and also for believers who want to get better at explaining the faith.  Tell my assistant you'd like to get a notice when the next one begins in a few months.  Please note, though, that you don't have to go through the course to read the book.  Check it out of our church library, purchase it at the church office for $13, or buy it as an ebook for the limited-time sale price of only $1.99.  You can find more information here.

Fourth: Activate the INVITE Strategy.  The vision of the "Explore God" campaign isn't a new one at our church.  We've always taught people how to engage friends with the gospel.  We call our strategy the "INVITE Strategy."  Learn more about it with the six sermons at this link(You'll want to work through the sermons by starting with the earliest date first.)

Fifth: Bring a Friend to our Study Through a "Biography" of Jesus.  This begins in most of our classes this Sunday, October 27.  Our Common Ground groups will continue to use guides to discuss the sermons.  But all of our adult Sunday School classes will work through a 4-month study of the Gospel of John.  This is an excellent "next step" for those still making up their mind about Jesus.

Let's keep the "Explore God" excitement going!


Beacon Articles Available Online:  The staff newsletters that appear each week in the Beacon are also available on our website.  You can find them here.

Check out my weblog here.

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