Winning Ways - from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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New Sermon Series

Studies in Colossians

Sunday Mornings

Hillcrest Baptist Church
3838 Steck Ave.
Austin, TX 78758

(You must be connected to the internet to see this picture.) "Two Services: What’s Your Blend?"
by Tom Goodman
February 1, 2006

You’ve been hearing about our plans to go to two distinct service styles beginning Easter Sunday.  To help you get ready, I will cover six topics in the next six newsletters:

      o  What the services will look like
      o  Why we are going to two distinct services
      o  What the revised schedule will look like
      o  How the revised schedule will improve our ministry to families
      o  How we will create a new hour of Adult Bible Study
      o  How you can be a blessing to your church family

Let’s begin:  What will the services look like?  My coffee shop gives me a choice of roasts.  They can pour me a smooth cup of joe or a bold blend.  That’s the choice Hillcrest will offer in worship music, too.  In addition to the “smooth” blend of music we currently provide we need to serve up a “bold” blend, too.  What blend will you prefer?

Many will continue with the Smooth Blend.  Airline passengers want a “smooth” ride, patients want a “smooth” operation, and many coffee drinkers prefer the “smooth” taste of Colombian.  Likewise, many prefer a “smooth” blend of worship music.  Our current service meets that preference, and on Easter Sunday you can continue to show up at 10:45 a.m. for a Smooth Blend service led by Gene and our excellent worship choir.  Music selection will continue to include what you’re used to: superb choral arrangements, and Gene’s skillful blend of the best hymns and choruses accompanied by a variety of instruments.

Others will choose the Bold Blend.  Soldiers want to be “bold” in battle, advertisers want to make a “bold” statement, and many coffee drinkers prefer the “bold” taste of French Roast.  Likewise, many prefer a “bold” blend of worship music.  Our new service will meet that longing, and on Easter Sunday you can show up at 9:30 a.m. for a Bold Blend service led by a wonderful praise band featuring select vocalists and players on guitars (acoustic, electric, and bass), keyboards, and drums.  These adults are already practicing weekly, and they’re sounding great!  Songs will include recently-released worship music, along with updated versions of hymn favorites.  Jim Siegel will do an excellent job leading worship in this service while we look for an associate worship minister.

What’s my preference?  Well, you can find either blend of coffee in my cup, and you will find me at both “blends” of services, too.  Following the music, I will bring the same message in each service.

In next week’s newsletter, I’ll tell you more!  Stay tuned!


Important Notes:

Worship Web Sites.  I thought the following websites were interesting in relation to our discussion of worship styles:
      Introducing Contemporary Worship Into a Traditional Church
      Contemporary Music Growth Slows
Next-Level Living.  Learn how to live at the next level from the one you’re on!  Our Sunday morning series through Colossians continues this Sunday.  If you want to review the messages from the first three weeks, go to Click here.  There you will also find instructions for receiving the sermons as weekly podcasts to that new iPod or MP3 player you got for Christmas.
Pastor’s Prayer Meetings.  Diane and I are committing two nights a week for seven weeks to pray with every Hillcrest member and interested attender.  If we have your address, you’ll soon get a letter inviting you to a particular night.  Watch for your letter, then contact my assistant to confirm that the date works for you.  Jami can be reached at or 345-3771.  It will reduce our work load in the office if you reply to the letter once you receive it.

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