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"First-Half Adults (update)"
by Tom Goodman
January 26, 2006

We discovered that the zip-code links in the original version of this week's LeaderLines didn't work for some of you.  Here is an updated LeaderLines with corrected links.
Last week Diane and I began a Sunday evening book study of John Burke’s book, No Perfect People Allowed.  We have about twenty-five wonderful people going through the study—young, median, and senior!

It’s not too late to get in on this study (Sundays at 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.), or you can just buy the book to read on your own.  Books will be available for one more week, either come by during office hours or stop by the Parlor before Sunday night’s study.  After that, you’ll have to find one at a bookstore.

Now, don’t get the impression that first-half adults are our only target group!  That’s “Either-Or Thinking,” which we talked about in Winning Ways a few months ago.  “Either-Or Thinking” would say, “Well, if he’s talking about first-half adults, that must mean he doesn’t have second-half adults in mind.”  Let’s avoid Either-Or Thinking.  In fact, Gene and I are going through material now called Halftime, dealing with issues important to those who’ve just entered the second half of adulthood.  I’ll introduce you to that material in later LeaderLines.

Still, first-half adults can’t be ignored if Hillcrest is going to be a beachhead for God’s kingdom in northwest Austin.  The zip codes immediately surrounding the church are chock-full of adults in this age-range.  Take a look at these links to see it:

        Zip Code 78759
        Zip Code 78727
        Zip Code 78758
        Zip Code 78757
        Zip Code 78731

Take a long look at the graph on age distribution in each of these zip codes.  What an eye opener!

Finally, I don’t think it’s redundant to say, “Pray for praying!”  Ask God to bend the knees of his people before him and to teach us a whole new level of dependence upon him!  Diane and I are leading the way with the prayer meetings at our house, but let’s just make that the beginning of a prayer movement throughout our church!  No matter how thoroughly you and I address the questions and concerns of our people at Hillcrest, we need the activity of the Spirit!


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