LeaderLines – from Hillcrest Baptist Church, Austin, Texas  Contact Tom Goodman, Pastor
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“Your Church Staff”
by Tom Goodman
July 14, 2005

I recently sent the following “staff standards” to all the church staff, and I thought it would help you to know the expectations for staff as well.  Here they are:


        Leaps tall building in a single bound
        Is more powerful than a locomotive
        Is faster than a speeding bullet
        Walks on water
        Discusses policy with God


        Leaps short buildings in a single bound
        Is more powerful than a switch engine
        Is just as fast as a speeding bullet
        Walks on water if the sea is calm
        Talks with God


        Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds
        Is almost as powerful as a switch engine
        Is faster than a speeding BB
        Walks on water in an indoor swimming pool
        Talks with God if special request is approved


        Barely clears a Quonset hut
        Loses tug-of-war with a locomotive
        Can fire a speeding bullet
        Swims well
        Is occasionally addressed by God


        Makes high marks on the wall when trying to leap buildings
        Is run over by locomotive
        Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury
        Dog paddles
        Talks to animals


        Lifts buildings and walks under them
        Kicks locomotives off the tracks
        Catches speeding bullets in her teeth
        Freezes water with a single glance
        Is the closest being to God

Seriously, I’m so grateful for Gene, Jim, BJ, and Herb of our Ministry Staff, and Jami, Melanie, Betty, and Patty of our Office Staff, and Dale, Martha, and Denise of our Custodial Staff.

Every year at this time, I always meet with full-time ministry staff.  We have an all-day retreat where I share my heart and my goals with them.  I always start off by sharing how I fared on last year’s goals, and then I present my goals for the next year.  Following that, I schedule personal meetings with them.  In those meetings, we review how they did with the goals they set last year, and we come to an agreement on the goals they have for next year.  Following the example of my own goal sheet, I ask them to set goals in three areas, labeled Program Goals, Professional Goals, and Personal Goals.

“Program Goals” cover things they want to see happen in the programs they are responsible for.  “Professional Goals” cover things that will help them improve in their calling, and “Personal Goals” cover family and health and areas of personal interest.  It’s this goal sheet that is used in next year’s evaluation.

What a great group of paid staff we have at this church!  Most of the time in LeaderLines I’m challenging you and thanking you as my leadership-partners.  I just wanted to take this edition of the e-newsletter to give a “shout out” to the ministry staff and support staff that make my work such a joy at Hillcrest!


VBS is HERE!  Load up your car this Sunday afternoon for the second night of VBS!  Find out more at www.HillcrestAustin.org/vbs and send someone a colorful e-card at www.HillcrestAustin.org/ecard.

PRAY for VBS!  Erin Waldo will send you regular prayer updates about our five-Sunday VBS.  All you have to do is contact her at ramblinroadtrip@gmail.com and ask her to add you to the prayer list.

LeaderLines is a weekly “e-briefing” providing valuable information and inspiration to those who serve at Hillcrest Baptist Church.

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