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How to Pray for Your Pastor
by Tom Goodman
January 15, 2009

Together @ 10!

We begin a new chapter in our church!  On January 25 we meet for worship together at 10 a.m.  Please note the new date:  Some of our classes requested an additional Sunday to prepare for the schedule change.

Pastor Ligon Duncan wrote, "Because I have a congregation that loves me more than I deserve, I am often asked by them:  'How can I pray for you?'"  He made a few suggestions at this blog post.

The Apostle Paul said you can partner with a pastor or a missionary by your prayers (Romans 15:30).  It's no surprise that he often asked for prayer (Ephesians 6:19; Philippians 1:19; Colossians 4:3; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2).  In that fine tradition, how can you pray for me?  I'm copying Ligon Duncan's suggestions and will always covet your prayers:


  1. That [your pastor] would know and love the living God, would have a saving interest in Christ, being purchased by His blood, and thus would be bound to the Lord by the indissoluble bond of the Holy Spirit.
  2. That [your pastor] would know, embrace, and ever more deeply understand the Gospel and be shaped by it in life and ministry.
  3. That [your pastor] would be useful servant of the Lord; that he would know and love God's word, God's people, and God's kingdom; that he would be used to build it up and so that it prevails even against Hell's gates.
  4. That [your pastor] would study, practice, and teach the Word of the Lord, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
  5. That [your pastor] would love to pray, because he loves to commune with his God; and that he would be a man of prayer, characteristically.
  6. That [your pastor] would be ever dependent upon and filled with the Spirit; and that he would possess true Spiritual wisdom.
  7. That [your pastor] would be holy unto the Lord; that his tongue and heart would be wholly God's.
  8. That [your pastor] would be kept from pride, and especially spiritual pride; that the Lord himself would be gracious to slay pride in him; and that your pastor would endeavor to always be putting pride to death, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
  9. That God would give [your pastor] guidance as to where to focus his efforts in ministry.
  10. That He would protect [your pastor] from himself, from the enemy of his soul, and from all earthly enemies.
  11. That no decision which [your pastor] ever makes or desire that [your pastor] ever pursues would restrict his ability to pour his whole soul into the Gospel ministry.
  12. That many would be converted and many built up under [your pastor]'s ministry, to God's glory alone.
  13. That the Lord would bless [your pastor]'s wife, [. . . ], with holiness and happiness, Gospel assurance and Gospel rest.
  14. That God would make [your pastor] a decent husband and father.
  15. That [your pastor] would be a good friend to his wife, and love her self-sacrificially,
  16. That [your pastor] would be a good daddy to his children; that they would love God, their parents, and the church.
  17. That [your pastor] would be a testimony in the home so that his wife might be able to respect him when he is in the pulpit, and so that [your pastor] will be able to feed her soul, along with the rest of the congregation.


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